“Who are we, but the stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves and believe.”

Scott Turow

Can we see ourselves for the collection of thoughts, feelings, emotions and thus behaviours? Can we see how we can alter and change those thoughts, feelings, emotions, and therefore behaviours? Your thoughts create your feelings, the feelings control your actions. Your actions control your behaviour and your events. Change your thinking and you change your life.

Rapid Transformational Therapy® uses evidence-based techniques, such as traditional Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, NLP, Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness, this powerful therapeutic treatment produces a transformative effect on clients. The use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning draws out ‘unfinished business’, uncovering the meaning and interpretation placed on traumatic events, allowing the opportunity to rewrite, reframe and reprogram old limiting beliefs to allow a new way of being.

Based on the science of Neural Plasticity, in as few as one to three sessions, this fast, effective, transformational therapy, has the power to rewrite the brains neural pathways, harnessing our greatest potential, our Mind.

How does RTT® work?

Sessions can be experienced in person or online over Zoom